Monthly Archives: August 2024

OMG, It’s Monday! Prayer: I’m Done with Weeding

O Jesus, You know that in May and June, I fought hard in the Weed Wars. But now, it’s August. OMG, maybe I, like those who rule highway medians, can declare my yard a “native prairie preservation project”?

OMG, It’s Monday! Prayer: Overwhelmed with Squash Blessings

Father, Thank You for an abundant squash harvest I continue to slice, dice, sauté, steam, freeze, bake and pickle. Yet, I realize I’m not the only cook who’s dealt with one-item menus. During the biblical exodus, Israelite cooks probably made manna bread, manna pie, manna fritters, manna casseroles and manna sloppy joes as they wandered in the desert. OMG … will my squash barrage last for 40 years too?