Monthly Archives: June 2024

OMG, It’s Monday! Prayer: Future Perfect

O my God, thank You for the promise of eternal life. For a future perfect home — including the perfect linen closet — that You’re designing for me. OMG, I’ll even be able to find the pillowcases?!

OMG, It’s Monday! Prayer: God, Sometimes, You’re So Impractical!

Jesus, You could have made Planet Earth as sleek, plain and efficient as a machine. But, OMG, I’m so glad Your beautiful mind just HAD to create beauty.

OMG, It’s Monday! Prayer: Hicks Want to Escape to the Sticks Again

Jesus, thank You for a wonderful camping trip and safety coming home — which now seems like a palace. Here, we endure a wee-hour bathroom hike of only a few steps. But, OMG, on this Monday morning, would you please bless this after-campout mess … and maybe make it disappear?  

OMG, It’s Monday! Prayer: Making a Joyful Noise

O my God, some of Your children love to sing loud in church, and I’m one of them. While we know You’re not hard of hearing, we’re glad You’re not nervous, either.

Nailing the high note

What? … OMG, maybe the people in the pews in front of us are?

Earplugs, please.