O Lord, You know camping in 30-degree weather is not my favorite pastime. But OMG, thank You that my lack of anticipation didn’t keep You from sharing Your incredible creation with us!
O Lord, thank You for a husband who loves Your creation. But given his enthusiasm for a trail like this, OMG, has he taken out a life insurance policy on me that I don’t know about?
O Lord, thank You for giving me three generations of special guys. Not sure why You granted them legs twice as long as mine or 100 times my energy. Nevertheless, OMG, thank You that we can hike and love Your creation together!
Oh, my God, during a six-mile hike through unpopulated wilderness, I tripped and fell like a tree. I prayed, “You who made the lame walk, please help!” Hubby prayed, too: “I don’t want to carry her out of here!” My prayer was holier, right? Still, OMG, thank You for answering both!