Tag Archives: Grandsons

OMG, It’s Monday! Prayer: Hurray for Band Teachers!

Jesus, You know my elementary band teacher encouraged me in so many ways. After watching grandsons perform with excellent school bands, OMG, I’m filled with joy in the musical talents You gave them — and gratitude for those who teach which drum to bang and which end of the horn to blow.         

OMG, It’s Monday! Prayer: It Could Be Worse

Dear Lord, while other grandparents inherit grand-dogs and grand-cats, it’s taken some time for me to adjust to grand-rats. But You have taught me to share our grandsons’ pleasure in petting and even holding the little creatures.

After all, OMG, they could have chosen snakes and tarantulas.

Images l-r by Anktrish Kamar & Steve Buissinne from Pixabay.

OMG, It’s Monday! Prayer: Who Needs Cardio Training?

O Lord, You know I wouldn’t spend a typical day attending a hockey game in which spectators cheer fights, jangle cowbells and throw pucks.

I wouldn’t help socialize a grandrat.

Or witness the morphing of a human into a freaky trick-or-treat alien.

But with two grandsons — OMG, what fun, doing them all! 

OMG, It’s Monday! Prayer: Thanks for All You Gave

O Lord, because of what these soldiers and their families sacrificed, my family and I can celebrate our freedom without fear. OMG, may we ever be grateful.

Image by Keturah Moller from Pixabay.

OMG, It’s Monday! Prayer: He Definitely Takes After Grandpa

O Lord, You know that when I was our grandson’s age, I kept arithmetic in the classroom, where it belonged. But this miniature Math Man recently informed his mother he is now 100 months old. OMG, please don’t let him tell me how many months old I am … 


OMG, It’s Monday! Prayer: Wish I Hadn’t Quit!

O Lord, You recall how my mom begged me to practice piano, but finally gave up and allowed me to quit lessons. Thank You that my daughter didn’t cave — and, OMG, her boys make wonderful music!

OMG, It’s Monday! Prayer: Chessmasters

O Lord, You gave both these guys a similar talent for strategy, a gene entirely missing from my makeup. The crafty, older man wins at chess every time. But OMG, maybe the bright little brain will calculate a win sooner than Grandpa expects? 

OMG, It’s Monday! Prayer: Quite a Stretch

O Lord, I am late in observing National Sons Day — no surprise to You or anyone else who has received my card two weeks after the fact. Still, You know how I love and celebrate my baby boy, though, OMG, he’s 6’5” now, with little boys of his own.

OMG, It’s Monday! Prayer: Always Behind

O Lord, thank You for giving me three generations of special guys. Not sure why You granted them legs twice as long as mine or 100 times my energy. Nevertheless, OMG, thank You that we can hike and love Your creation together!