Tag Archives: Christmas rush

OMG, It’s Monday! Prayer: This Elf’s Not On the Shelf

O Lord, when big holiday challenges make me feel small, I thank You for giving me this awesome, 6’3” elf who sewed a rip in my winter coat, washed sheets, and cleaned bathrooms. OMG, what a gift he is!


OMG, It’s Monday! Prayer: Why the Christmas Rush?

O Lord, It’s only October, but I can’t buy a can of beans without seeing a Santa Claus. You, who made the sun move backward to preserve daylight during an Old Testament battle — OMG, could you pause on lovely fall …

Image by Lars Nissen from Pixabay.

before we fast-forward to crazy Christmas?


You want me to do it?

Image by Klaus Hausmann from Pixabay.

OMG, It’s Monday! Prayer: Before and After

O Lord, when will we learn not to procrastinate?! This year, our Christmas tree is a Charlie Brown special. I even named it “Charlie”! But once decorated with loving hands, Charlie shines. OMG, how thankful we are that when no one chooses us, You do — and Jesus can make us spindly, crooked souls more beautiful than can be imagined.     

Before: Charlie, a 90-pound weakling.
After: Charlie, with a little TLC.

OMG, It’s Monday! Prayer: No Tracking Needed

O, Lord, I hope all the gifts I ordered arrive on time. Um … exactly what did I order? But OMG, when You sent the greatest Gift of all, Your Son, You knew exactly what You’d given. You got Him in the right place at the right time — even without Amazon Prime.

OMG, It’s Monday! Prayer: December? Already?

Our poinsettia doesn’t quite know what to think of our autumn pumpkins: Are these people that far behind?

Oh, my God, thank You for these poinsettias, sent weeks ago by friends whose wrapped gifts already grace their trees. The blooms have thrived at our house — though, OMG, I think they find us a little confusing.